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четверг, 19 апреля 2012 г.

Грегг Робинс, банкир и музыкант (англ.)

Грегг Робинс – один из наших давних и надежных партнеров и член Консультационного совета компании «Марчмонт Капитал Партнерс». Но не только – он еще и весьма интересный музыкант, играющий открытый и эмоционально ангажирующий рок. Прошлой осенью Грегг выпустил свой дебютный альбом с говорящим само за себя названием Everything that Matters («Все, что имеет значение»). Сегодня он предлагает вам ознакомиться с новыми гранями его творчества. О музыкальной стороне жизни банкира Робинса рассказывает и его официальный вебсайт, цель которого вполне проста: создать место встречи с теми, кому так или иначе близка эта музыка. 

Life has been simply exhilarating since the album release in late October, with reviews, interviews, concerts, and increasing numbers of fans and shows of support from all over the world. It has also been a time of further inspiration, as I am writing and recording many new songs. Wonderful to have you here on this journey, and I am looking forward to the times ahead…

The Latest

Concerts in Geneva and Moscow! In Geneva, the stage was the fnac Forum, and in Moscow it was live on TV Rain, Russia’s most progressive Smart TV station! In Geneva, I even played a few new tracks from my upcoming album as well.

For the Geneva show I performed with some of the talented musicians who played on the album, and in Moscow with a super group of jazz musicians who I have started working with - in addition to a virtuoso viola player who wanted to join in on the fun!

I also featured my music on Jango Airplay and have been thrilled to pick up new fans from all over the world and hear their comments each day.

I was in Washington DC in early 2012 where I signed a bunch of CDs for fans who had called in to Blog Talk Radio with host Aaron Myers. I was on the show promoting my “Helping our Heroes at Home” initiative to raise funds for returning soldiers.

The Press

Music critics have weighed in very favorably on the album:

“Often the melodies remind me of some of the best of early Paul Simon”

“His song-writing style draws similarities to Cat Stevens”

“His vocals are filled with the dramatic strength of his emotions. The musical arrangements move elegantly between the simple and understated and the lushly orchestrated, effectively complementing his songs' dramatic arcs”

“An album with a musical underpinning that keeps providing these small bursts of sunlight and surprise. Taken together, they make this one of the most uncommon of delights — an exploration amongst very familiar landmarks that somehow feels brand new”

I have also given a number of interviews – the one with stands out for me as it explores a range of areas, personal and musical, and poses interesting questions, such as about the songs I wish I had written…

The Fans

It is always great to discover new fans and to hear from everyone. Fans and followers continue to grow on the site, on Facebook and Twitter, and on Jango. Here is a selection of things fans have said recently that I have really enjoyed:

“Your songs make my day positive every morning!” – Simon in Moscow, Russia

“I have received so many gift CD's over the years. I am open-minded, but don't often hear something that I want to hear over and over again…. I find myself just singing along, which for me is really great, and it is wonderful to find a new artist whose music I love and want to listen to more than once” – David in California, USA

“Shades of Cat Stevens!” – Robert from Melbourne, Australia

“Love it. Springsteen is in your heart - I can feel it. Now I have your song in my collection of favorite songs - and this song is ‘Morning In America.’ Thanks!” – Arthur in Moscow, Russia

“We are really pleased to have been an “early adopter” of the Grobins sound” – Ken and his son, Cole, in Connecticut, USA

“From the CD cover to the final sound, a very well thought-out professional package. The arrangements are very cleanly entwined with a creative mix of strings, oboe, crescendo cymbals, and on, and on. Well done, and clearly a piece from your heart” – Steve in Geneva, Switzerland

“There's a saxophonist who's comfortable with his feminine side!!! Pink saxophone. Gotta love it” – Tim in New York City, USA.

Более подробно обо всем этом читайте на официальном англоязычном сайте Грегга.

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